Feeling like you’re facing
cancer alone…

Meet the national network
fighting in your corner

Advocacy Groups

We’re a partner that can help you make a real difference for those affected by cancer.

How Omico is making a difference


Omico works with patient advocacy groups to provide accelerated access to Comprehensive Genomic Profiling and new treatment options for individuals and families affected by difficult-to-treat, advanced and early-onset or rare cancers. We’re also working to transform tomorrow’s healthcare system.

Explore ways of working with us

Why work with Omico?


Make your trials cheaper and faster to run.


Get access to 25,000 screened patients.


Identify the right patients and the right trials.


Draw on the knowledge and expertise of our network.

Partnering with Omico

As a national, independent not-for-profit organisation, supported by government and private funding, Omico is working with government and industry to increase access for Australians to precision oncology screening tests and treatments, so we can match those with advanced and incurable cancers to clinical trials of innovative new therapies.

We are looking to partner with advocacy groups to drive new hope and possibilities for Australians with cancer.

Our Progress

14,400 Patients screened
800+ Referring clinicians
7,940     Patients with a treatment recommendation
868 Clinical trial referrals

Ways of working with us

  • Help improve patient access to genomic screening and molecular profiling
  • Help bring new treatments to Australia
  • Support our research and trials
  • Support a particular cohort or subtrial
  • Provide support for patients and families
  • Advocate for ongoing funding and support
  • Co-promote our programs
  • And more

Our work

Finding new treatment paths for difficult-to-treat cancers

Omico’s landmark Precision Oncology Screening Platform Enabling Clinical Trials (PrOSPeCT) aims to open up new options for patients with difficult-to-treat, advanced and metastatic cancers.

Matching patients to biomarker-led clinical trials

Through our Cancer Screening Project (CaSP) we’re performing comprehensive genomic profiling for cancer patients with unmet clinical need to match them to clinical trials or other care pathways.

Matching molecular changes to targeted therapy

Our Molecular Screening and Therapeutics (MoST) study aims to characterise molecular changes in a patient’s cancer that may help to identify a targeted therapy.

Identifying genetic basis of cancer risk

We’re examining the genetic basis of inherited cancer with our Genetic Cancer Risk in the Young (RisC) study.

Improving surveillance of multi-organ cancer

Our Surveillance study in Multi-Organ Cancer-prone syndromes (SMOC+) study is investigating and evaluating the surveillance practices used for people at high risk of multi-organ cancer.

Rare Cancer Australia

Rare Cancer Australia (RCA) provides support and advocacy for patients wishing to participate in Omico programs. If you or your family need advice or help, a place to learn or simply someone to listen, RCA can help.

Visit the RCA website


If you are aged from 12 to 25 and your world has been turned upside down by cancer, Canteen provides support as well as someone to talk to.

Visit the Canteen website

Australian Rare Cancer Portal

The Australian Rare Cancer (ARC) Portal is an online referral service that aims to improve outcomes and access to research for Australians diagnosed with rare cancer.

Working together with your cancer specialist, the ARC Portal offers expert clinical advice, particularly for Australians who live far away from major metropolitan centres where cancer centres may not be available.

Visit the ARC Portal

Contact us to explore and discuss collaboration opportunities

Let’s work together